Before using NUMAI Rent to Buy service, carefully assess the associated risks.
1. By entering into a Rent to Buy agreement, you assume obligations, the failure of which may result in NUMAI:
– charging you late interest and debt administration fee;
– pausing the furnishing process;
– terminating the lease and the preliminary purchase and sale agreement if the violations are substantial.
2. Part of the rent is linked to EURIBOR interest base. Because of this, your rent may increase. Therefore, before signing the contract, you must assess whether you will be able to fulfill your monthly obligation if EURIBOR rises.
3. Home prices may adjust and at the time of redemption, the value of your home may be lower than the home price agreed upon in the preliminary purchase and sale agreement. NUMAI is not responsible for housing price changes and this risk taken by you.
4. NUMAI does not guarantee that you will be eligible for a mortgage in the future. You must responsibly evaluate your capabilities individually.